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Billed annually
Supercharge your workflow with advanced features, and save hours of work.
Billed annually
Recognized by industry leaders and influencers
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CSS Peeper is free to use for everyone. Forever. You can choose to upgrade to CSS Peeper Pro for access to premium features that will significantly boost your workflow and productivity.
Enjoy a 7-day free trial with no credit card required! After the trial period, you can choose to upgrade to either the Professional or Ultra plan to unlock all premium features. You’re free to cancel your plan at any time.
With the monthly plan, you’ll be charged automatically each month until you choose to cancel. Annual plans offer a 20% discount compared to monthly pricing. If you opt for the annual plan, you’ll be charged once per year, and your subscription will renew automatically on an annual basis unless you cancel.
Absolutely! If you choose to upgrade, you’ll be charged a pro-rated amount based on the cost of the new plan, minus the value of the unused days remaining on your current plan.
You can cancel your subscription at any time through the website. Subscriptions will be canceled as of the next billing cycle. If you cancel, your plan will be downgraded to the free plan. You won’t be locked out of core features available in free plan, but you will lose access to paid features.
All the payments are processed by Stripe. Your credit card details as well as billing info are stored securely on their servers.
Yes, you gain access to premium features across all browsers.
For any question related to billing, you can contact us via